I received this book for free from Netgalley in order to prepare an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Zebra on April 28, 2020
Genres: Historical

FINAL DECISION: Lovely, slow burn story. I loved the hero and heroine’s competing investigations. Both damaged by the past, these two learn to trust one another in a sweet and sexy murder mystery romance.
THE STORY: Minerva Hepplewhite whacks an intruder on the head but finds out that he has been searching for her to tell her that his uncle, a recently deceased duke, has left her a small fortune and she is now an heiress. Chase Radnor also considers Minerva a suspect in the duke’s suspicious death. Both Minerva and Chase end up conducting competing investigations into the duke’s death. This brings them into competition and cooperation with one another.
OPINION: I found the relationship between Minerva and Chase to be comforting and incredibly loving. The two are competitors but also find themselves partnering in the investigation into the duke’s death. The two have a relationship that is adult and based upon discussion and care. Minerva is an incredibly strong woman and yet has a fragile part of her hidden. Chase is able to see that in Minerva and care for her. While the two are physically attracted to one another, their relationship is also based on their attraction to the cleverness of the other and the genuine good person the other is. The book is a bit of a slow burn, but in a lovely way.
Both Chase and Minerva have been burned by their pasts which lead them to question their own judgment. Seeing them find a reason to trust the other was heartwarming. I loved how gentle this book is with their emotions.
While the romance in this book is complete, there are overarching questions regarding the mystery that are left open at the end of this book which is part of a series.
WORTH MENTIONING: The heroine was subject to an abusive marriage and while the book is not graphic as to that abuse, it is a significant aspect of the book for those who are sensitive to the topic.
CONNECTED BOOKS: HEIRESS FOR HIRE is the first book in the Duke’s Heiress series.
STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.
NOTE: I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.