Published by JA / AG Publishing on July 9, 2019
Genres: Historical
Pages: 227

“Sophie was a part of him he hadn’t realized wasn’t there. Her simply being in the world completed him.”
FINAL DECISION: I’ve been waiting for David’s book for a long time. The stalwart friend of the formidable Hart Mackenzie, disappointed suitor of Eleanor, David has been awaiting the woman who will turn his life upside down. Sophie gives David a chance to put all his Machiavellian talents to work for good. I loved these two who find something special together after romantic disappointments. The book is clever machinations and romantic interludes, and I loved it.
Sophie is a woman subjected to the whims of a man who has disappointed and hurt her. Her circumstances are emblematic of the lack of power that women of the time could be subjected to. One of the things I really liked is how the women in this book use what power they have to help Sophie. While David pushes some buttons, it is the women who are necessary to resolve Sophie’s circumstances. Sophie also manages to assert some strength of her own in a twist in the resolution of David’s story.
I loved the gentleness and sweetness of Sophie and David’s romance in light of all the sneaky antics going on in this book. There is something gentle and real about their interactions that I found so romantic. David, especially, believes himself unworthy of Sophie and so even while he wants her, he expected to be rejected at every turn.
I’ve been waiting for this book for a long while. THE DUKE’S PERFECT WIFE remains my favorite in the series and this book operates as such a wonderful second act to that book that I smiled throughout. Anticipated books can sometimes disappoint, but I’m glad to say that I was so happy with this book and this romance.
THE STORY: David Fleming, rogue and devious right-hand to Hart Mackenzie, flees London under criminal threat and finds sanctuary with his old friend and mentor. Also seeking sanctuary is his friend’s niece, Sophie. Sophie is hiding from a scandal of her own. David and Sophie, both involved in complicated personal situations, are immediately attracted to one another despite all the obstacles in their path. It is uncertain whether there is a way forward for them and how much manipulation must be done to bring about a happy ending.
OPINION: I really loved the story here. David and Sophie are such a cute couple. I’ve been wanting David’s story since he was rejected by Eleanor in her and Hart’s book. David deviousness and his unfailing loyalty make him a great candidate for a redemption story. I loved seeing him unraveled here by meeting Sophie.
WORTH MENTIONING: Significant appearances in the book from Eleanor Mackenzie (THE DUKE’S PERFECT WIFE) and Sinclair McBride (RULES OF A PROPER GOVERNESS), plus lots of other cameos, made me especially happy and gave this book a nice connection with the series as a whole.
CONNECTED BOOKS: A ROGUE MEETS A SCANDALOUS LADY is the eleventh book in the Mackenzies & McBrides series. The romance in this book is self-contained and thus the book can be read as a standalone. I think, however, that a reader will enjoy this book most if it is read at least after THE DUKE’S PERFECT WIFE where much of the backstory of David in the series is given.
STAR RATING: I give this book 5 stars.
NOTE: I received an eARC of this book from the author. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.