Review: A Wallflower Christmas

Review: A Wallflower ChristmasA Wallflower Christmas (Wallflowers, #4.5) by Lisa Kleypas
Published by St. Martin's Press on October 14, 2008
Genres: Historical
Pages: 225

Festive Followup to the Wallflowers Series

This novella is a followup to Kleypas’ successful Wildflowers series. It tells the story of Rafe Bowman, oldest brother of the wallflower Lillian and Daisy. Rafe has come to England because his father has found him an aristocratic woman to marry. Of course, Rafe is immediately attracted to his potential bride’s companion, Hannah.

The story takes place at Christmas and Kleypas has incorporated some historical information about celebration Christmas in the mid 1800s.

I enjoyed best getting an update on the Wallflowers. The main story was sweet, but certainly not as good as the main books in the series. The original wallflowers and their men just seem to be bigger than this story and I was almost more interested in the peek into their lives than anything else. I would recommend the novella, however, to fans of the series because the update was worth the price of the book.


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