Series: Psy-Changeling #8
Published by Berkley on July 6th 2010
Genres: Paranormal
Pages: 359

Psy-Human Thriller
“We fit, you and I . . . two broken pieces making a whole.”
THE STORY: Detective Max Shannon is assigned to work with Sophia Russo, a J-Psy on some suspicious deaths surrounding one of the Psy Councilors. Max is human but has an unusual natural mental shield. Sophia is a Justice Psy who finds in people’s minds evidence of crimes. Years of touching the worst of the world means that Sophia is falling apart. Her mental shields are breaking down and she knows that soon she will be sent to Rehabilitation where she will be mentally destroyed. Before she falls apart, Sophia realizes that she wants to investigate her attraction to Max. The two are soon involved in one another and investigating plots that threaten the stability of the entire world.
OPINION: I liked this book because it was most concerned with moving the overarching story forward. The book is more of a suspense thriller than the typical Psy-Changeling book. There are three basic stories: the romance, the story of a murderer that Max and Sophia were investigating and the question of who is killing the Councilor’s trusted advisors. Max and Sophia had an interesting relationship. They both come from broken families where they were abandoned by their parents. That similarity allows the two to get close to one another where their instinct is to stay apart. Singh does such an amazing job with the Psy-Changeling novels because they are interesting political dramas and deeply emotional book about love and emotion and what makes us human.
WORTH MENTIONING: The overarching story of the series is clearly reaching a critical point. Readers of the series will be interested to see reveals regarding the murky motives of various recurring characters.
FINAL DECISION: While not one of my favorite books of the series, this book is different because it is more of a thriller. The books spins out more of the overarching story and I especially like the shades of grey of characters that seemed completely evil in the past.
CONNECTED BOOKS: BONDS OF JUSTICE is the eighth book in the Psy-Changeling series. The romantic story is one that is self-contained and can be read by a new reader. The book, however, also makes big moves in the overarching storyline of the series that might be confusing for a new reader.
STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.