Series: In Death #42
Published by Berkley on February 2nd 2016
Genres: Futuristic, Mystery
Pages: 388

Dennis Mira is Adorable
“Time doesn’t heal, whatever they say. It’s how we use the time that can heal.”
FINAL DECISION; Perfectly adequate, this book is best in its character moments. Eve and Dennis Mira’s relationship develops here. Also, Eve and Roarke continue to deepen their relationship. The mystery had too many players to interest me as much as the personal stories.
THE STORY: Dennis Mira goes to confront his cousin over the house they inherited together when Dennis gets hit over the head but not before he sees his cousin tied up. When he awakens, his cousin is gone. He calls for Eve to help investigate. Eve has always had a soft spot for Dennis Mira and she is determined to find out what happened. This leads her to look into the expensive real estate that the cousins were bickering about but then something else happens that turns Eve’s investigation in a new direction.
OPINION: This book revisits a little of the angst of Eve’s personal journey. I appreciate that while she has largely resolved her personal issues regarding her past, she still has moments where the past wells up in her. This book is largely about the past and how a person can choose to heal and move on or dwell endlessly in the past and thus be subsumed by it. For me, the books in this series work best where there is overlap between Eve’s personal journey and the crime she is investigating. I read these book because of the characters — not because of the mysteries. This book allows both Eve and the reader to see how far Eve and traveled and what can happen when one does not allow time to heal.
WORTH MENTIONING: As a sign of how Eve has changed, she is now wearing a silly knit hat because it was given to her as a gift.
CONNECTED BOOKS: BROTHERHOOD IN DEATH is the 42nd book in the In Death series. It can be read as a standalone although there are long running characters developments that transcend the one book.
STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.