Series: Nvengaria #3
Published by Leisure Books on April 1st 2008
Genres: Historical, Paranormal
Pages: 323

FINAL DECISION: Enjoyable read but not as good as the second book in this series. I enjoyed the relationship between Zarabeth and Egan but for me the conflict wasn’t strong enough to justify the time these two were at odds.
THE STORY: Egan MacDonald has loved Zarabeth for years. Despite her marriage to another man, he has not been able to forget her. When her husband plots a coup against her cousin, the Prince of Nvengaria, Zarabeth reveals the plot and is now in danger for her life. Zarabeth’s cousin sends her to his friend Egan in Scotland for protection. Zarabeth is not the exuberant woman that Egan remembered. While Zarabeth is in danger, Egan and Zarabeth have the chance to rediscover a path together that they missed years ago.
OPINION: This is a second chance at love story about a woman who has been deeply hurt and the man she always loved. Zarabeth and Egan are a good match for one another despite his attempts to keep her at arms length. He loves her but he doesn’t believe himself good enough for her.
While there are magical elements in this story, the core is the relationship between Zarabeth and Egan. Her desire for him and her fears as a result of her marriage, his desire for her competing with his belief in his inadequacies.
I liked the romance here which was quiet and took a while for the two to work through their problems.
For me the negative of this book was that the conflict was not strong enough to really justify these two being at odds for so long.
WORTH MENTIONING: This book introduces the couple for the novella THE LONGEST NIGHT.
CONNECTED BOOKS: HIGHLANDER EVER AFTER is the third book in the Nvengaria series. This book can be read as a standalone because the romance is self-contained although there are overlapping characters.
STAR RATING: I give this book 3.5 stars.