Review: Like No Other Lover

Review: Like No Other LoverLike No Other Lover (Pennyroyal Green, #2) by Julie Anne Long
Series: Pennyroyal Green #2
Published by Avon on October 28, 2008
Genres: Historical
Pages: 371

Meanders for a While But Has A Beautiful Ending

LIKE NO OTHER LOVER is the second book in the Pennyroyal Green series. It is the story of Miles Redmond who is instantly attracted to Cynthia Brightly but when he overhears her disparaging his prospects as a second son, he is disillusioned. They meet for the first time at a house party at the Redmond home. Cynthia is desperate because her plans to make a advantageous marriage has collapsed around her and she is fleeing rumors from London.

I really liked the developing relationship between Miles and Cynthia. Their qualities are revealed so that two people who seem to be opposed to one another are actually shown to be similar to one another. Long does a great job working the relationship in the story. The twists and turns are complex and thus the resolution is particularly satisfying.

My only complaint is that the story seems to stall a little bit as we get into Cynthia’s other suitors. For about seventy-five pages I just wanted the plot to advance. But by the end of the book, that part feels very insignificant.

While having some knowledge of these characters from the previous book adds some to the story, a reader that chooses to skip the first book will have no problem understanding this book.


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