Series: Pennyroyal Green #3
Published by Avon on July 28, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 371

Good Addition to the Series
SINCE THE SURRENDER is the third book in the Pennyroyal Green series. Captain Chase Eversea met Rosalind March when she was married to his superior during the war. The two behaved in a dishonorable fashion and the two haven’t seen one another in five years. Now Chase is living with having been wounded on the battlefield and Rosalind is a widow. Rosalind seeks out Chase when her sister goes missing. The two work together to solve the mystery while discovering one another.
I liked the difficulty of the relationship between these two. Here are two honorable people who struggle with the guilt of having acted improperly. The clear fresh language of the novel makes the book go quickly. The characters are strong and well defined.
While this book is part of a series, it is certainly not necessary to have read the previous books to enjoy this one.