Review: The Other Mrs.

Review: The Other Mrs.The Other Mrs. by Mary Kubica
Published by Park Row on February 18, 2020
Genres: Thriller
Pages: 405

FINAL DECISION: I enjoyed this book which starts out slow and then ratchets up the tension a little at a time until it is unbearable by the end and then the big twist comes. Great pacing. The ending was a little too gimmicky to give this a super great rating, but it was an enjoyable one time read.

THE STORY: Dr. Sadie Foust has moved to Maine with her husband and two children. Things are complicated in Maine. She is a substitute parents to her niece by marriage after the apparent suicide of Sadie’s sister-in-law.  When her neighbor is murdered, things become even stranger as Sadie begins to question many of the people around her.

OPINION: This is an interesting thinking book. It is told by three characters and their stories are intertwined in unexpected ways. This book has a final twist and it is difficult to explain much of what happens in this book without giving away the twist. The book was like a really entertaining suspense movie. I enjoyed getting to the twist and it was certainly worth the reading time to get there.

WORTH MENTIONING: This is NOT a romance but rather a psychological suspense/thriller.


STAR RATING: I give this book 3.5 stars.


Review: Devil’s Bride

Review: Devil’s BrideDevil's Bride (Cynster, #1) by Stephanie Laurens
Published by HarperCollins e-books on March 17, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 416

Fantastic Romance, Loved The Hero

DEVIL’S BRIDE is the first book in the Cynster series. It is the story of Sylvester “Devil” Cynster, the Duke of Ives and Honoria Anstruther-Wetherby. The two meet by accident when Honoria stops to aid a wounded man. When the Devil Cynster himself stops as well, the two end up spending the night together with the dying man. Devil quickly identifies Honoria as his future Duchess. Honoria has no intention of submitting to Devil’s plan. There is also a mystery of who killed the man that brought Honoria and Devil together.

I absolutely love this book. Devil and the Bar Cynster are an amazing group of men (and the subject of further books in the series). Laurens has an incredible ability of creating autocratic, hard headed men who are matched by strong willed women. What I loved about Devil is that he is challenged by Honoria and yet does not want to crush her spirit. Instead, he appreciates her qualities and sees her as a match, even as he is frustrated by his ability to control her.

The relationship between Devil and Honoria is funny and hot. The two strike sparks off of one another from the start and In love how they perfectly match one another.

This is one of my all-time favorite books.


Review: Asking for Trouble

Review: Asking for TroubleAsking for Trouble (Line of Duty, #4) by Tessa Bailey
Series: Line of Duty #4
Published by Entangled: Brazen on November 25, 2013
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 250

FINAL DECISION: Hot, hot, hot. I really enjoyed this story of two opposites. An enemies to lovers story, the only negative is the plot regarding Hayden’s family which I wasn’t interested in at all. More Hayden and Brent on the page!

THE STORY: Brent Mason and Hayden Winstead are unfortunately friends of two people who are crazy in love. It is unfortunate because Brent and Hayden can’t stand one another. Brent is an explosives expert cop and Hayden is a rich society girl. The rub one another completely wrong until they rub one another completely right. Hayden is also on the edge of being forced into a marriage of convenience to save her family’s fortune.

OPINION: I enjoyed this book as the heat between Brent and Hayden was sexy and really, really hot. At the same time, I really liked these characters which had angst and drama but also a great deal of humor.

Brent and Hayden flirt and tempt one another through their initial animosity. The book begins long after their adversarial relationship has been established and Hayden has decided that she is going to finally win whatever is between them. But instead things blaze like crazy between them. Super hot and super sexy. I loved this scene which seemed to be almost perfect even though the characters are only just introduced on the page.

This moment is a breakthrough of the two them to begin seeing on another beyond their stereotypes. Brent is more than the “ape” cop and Hayden is much more complex than the “society girl”. Both of these characters care deeply and through the story, they begin to see one another more clearly.

I really enjoyed this book except for the silly marriage of convenience plot which I found a throwaway except for the great dramatic moment at the end which was over the top and just amazing.

WORTH MENTIONING: The dirty talk in this book was amazing.

CONNECTED BOOKS: ASKING FOR TROUBLE is the fourth book in the Lind of Duty series. The romance here is self-contained and can be read as a standalone. The couple here does have a close relationship with the couple from OFFICER OFF LIMITS (Book #3). This book can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read OFFICER OFF LIMITS and didn’t feel I missed anything.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.


Review: A Murderous Relation

I received this book for free from Netgalley in order to prepare an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: A Murderous RelationA Murderous Relation (Veronica Speedwell, #5) by Deanna Raybourn
Series: Veronica Speedwell #5
Published by Berkley on March 10, 2020
Genres: Historical, Mystery
Pages: 320

FINAL DECISION: The book I have definitely been waiting for in this series. Funny and romantic and a great mystery.

THE STORY: Veronica Speedwell and her partner in crime Stoker are asked to retrieve a jewel that can link the prince to a notorious private club. Veronica and Stoker end up having to go undercover at the brothel where they run across a murder victim whose murder threatens the royal family. At the same time, it is 1888 and Jack the Ripper is haunting the streets of London.

OPINION: Smart and funny. I loved this book. This is the book that fans of the series have been waiting for. The book has mystery and thrilling adventure and romance and humor and emotion. I couldn’t put in down from page one and I was cheering by the end of the book.

As with the other books in this series, I love how Veronica and Stoker use their intelligence and daring to solve the case. There is more going on than it appears in teh beginning and the multiple threads of the stories are woven together so well by the end.

The book is entertaining and the connection between Veronica and Stoker just keeps getting better. This series is not a romance but rather a historical mystery with strong romance parts, but I just love the story here. These two are perfect together — both as partners in their investigations and as love interests.

I don’t want to give away anything as to the mystery…but it is good as well.

WORTH MENTIONING: Good news that the series will continue.

CONNECTED BOOKS: A MURDEROUS RELATION is the fifth book in the Veronica Speedwell series. Each book has a self-contained mystery story. There are, however, overarching stories related to the characters which makes this series better read in order.

STAR RATING: I give this book 5 stars.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own. I also purchased a hardcover copy of the book after its release.


Review: Love Hard

I received this book for free from Netgalley in order to prepare an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Love HardLove Hard by Nalini Singh
Series: Hard Play #3
Published by Tka Distribution on March 10, 2020
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 320

FINAL DECISION: Oh, I loved this one. Jake is sweet and adorable and such a good man trying to raise his daughter until Jules comes and knocks his well ordered life for a loop. These are adults dealing with things in a mature and reasoned fashion and I loved their story.

THE STORY: A wedding brings high school classmates Jacob Esera and Juliet Nelisi together again. As students, the two were uneasily connected by Jacob’s girlfriend who happened to be Juliet’s best friend. After his girlfriend’s death, Jacob has spent the last six years raising his daughter as a single parent and working on his career as a rugby player. There is definite heat between them but Jacob wants a quiet private life and Juliet seems to bring scandal and attention wherever she goes.

OPINION: This book is a joy to read primarily because these are adults who deal with their relationship in an adult way. Less unnecessary drama and more smart people who talk things out make this book a wonderful read.

Jake is a really decent man. Raising his daughter alone after the death of her mother, she is clearly the center of his life. Definite gooey heart stuff seeing this strong man completely wrapped around the little finger of his girl. What is particularly good in is that the kids feel like real people and not convenient plot points. As a parent, I also really felt for Jake who has conflicting emotions regarding this daughter that he loves greatly and yet wants her protected and yet independent.

Juliet is a woman who is smart and clever and has made mistakes. She owns her mistakes which felt mature and realistic. I appreciated having a heroine that was imperfect and dealt with her past with humor and aplomb.

I just love the serious guy with the naughty girl, but even better, these characters are complex and are ultimately they have more in common than at first it seems. This is a lovely story with intricacy of character. There is angst and some drama, but such likable people.

The story is also very sexy as well as being sweet and romantic.

This book just made me feel good and happy.

WORTH MENTIONING: While it is certainly not necessary to read the other books in the series, I highly recommend reading ROCK HARD. A highlight of this book for me is the community of characters that Nalini Singh brings into the story (especially in the beginning). One of my favorite aspects of Nalini Singh’s books is the supportive cast of characters in her books.

CONNECTED BOOKS: This whole series is a spin-off from ROCK HARD in the Rock Kiss series. This book, however, is especially connected as it has the wedding of Gabriel and Charlotte (the couple in ROCK HARD). This book can certainly be read as a standalone as the romance is completely self-contained.

STAR RATING: I give this book 5 stars.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own. I purchased a paperback copy of this book after its release.


Review: Protecting What’s His

Review: Protecting What’s HisProtecting What's His (Line of Duty, #1) by Tessa Bailey
Series: Line of Duty #1
Published by Entangled Publishing (Brazen) on February 23, 2013
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 252

FINAL DECISION: Only average for me. There are some highlights including the bantering between the characters, but at times the story really dragged for me. Things are hot between Derek and Ginger but just too much other stuff.

THE STORY: Ginger Peet takes an opportunity to help herself and her younger sister escape from their family and get a new start. It only took taking $50,000 from her mother without permission. In her new apartment, Ginger’s next door neighbor happens to be a really hot cop. Derek Tyler finds his new neighbor hot and very bothersome. Intense attraction between the two worries Ginger who has to worry about what brought her to Chicago in the first place.

OPINION: This book was uneven. I liked the characters and their sexual energy and attraction to one another. They are sexy and funny together. But there are a lot of threads brought up in this book that seem to be important but are dropped or are brought up only to advance the plot. There is a whole section in the middle of this book that I got bored during. The book was okay as a one time read, but I wouldn’t pick it up again.

WORTH MENTIONING: This book is self-contained but there is a novella that involves the same couple that follows the events of this book.

CONNECTED BOOKS: PROTECTING WHAT’S HIS is the first book in the Line of Duty series.

STAR RATING: I give this book 3 stars.


Review: Wicked as Sin

Review: Wicked as SinWicked as Sin: One-Mile & Brea, Part One (Wicked & Devoted, #1) by Shayla Black
Series: Wicked & Devoted #1
Published by Shelley Bradley, LLC on March 3, 2020
Genres: Contemporary

FINAL DECISION: Loved this story. One-Mile ended up being much more of a marshmallow than I expected about Brea. The story felt really classic and was eminently enjoyable because of that. My only negative is that the book is only part 1 and I’ve been burned by these split stories before. But I can’t wait to read the conclusion.

THE STORY: Brea Bell is warned to stay away from Pierce Walker (aka One-Mile). But the attraction between the virginal preacher’s daughter and the dangerous sniper is hot and immediate. When Brea ends up coming to One-Mile for help, things explode with far reaching consequences.

OPINION: This was a story that I was highly anticipated. I really loved this couple together. The story was hot and yet there was a definite sweetness between this couple that I didn’t expect. I got immediately engrossed in this book and read it quickly in one sitting.

Brea and Pierce are adorable. He’s an alpha who can’t imagine his feelings for the Brea and yet can’t stay away from her. Brea is a woman of values but she doesn’t judge or shame other people. I really liked that about her. I also liked that she recognizes her own faults. The heat and the passion between these two was obvious and I thought their connection worked really well.

The only negative for me is the cliffhanger. I wasn’t angry or annoyed because it is clear from the cover of the book that this is a part 1 of the story. I think my trepidation is because I have over the recent years read some really fantastic beginnings of stories that I was deeply disappointed in the ending. None of those books were by Shayla Black, but I’m still wary. I hope that I will be pleasantly surprised in the end.

WORTH MENTIONING: This book is NOT the complete story of this couple. It is part one. There is a part two that will be the conclusion.

CONNECTED BOOKS: WICKED AS SIN is the first book in the Wicked & Devoted series. The Wicked & Devoted series is a spin-off of the Wicked Lovers series and the Devoted Lovers series. It is not necessary to have read any book in the prior series to read this one. I have not read the Wicked Lovers series at all and didn’t have any problem understanding the various characters and conflicts.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book via the author’s Facebook group. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own. I also purchased a copy of this book once it became available to the public.
