Series: Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries #11
on May 17, 2016
Genres: Mystery

“In late August, 1818, my wife had me abducted, trussed up, and taken down the Thames to be put on a tall ship bound for Egypt.”
FINAL DECISION: These books just keep getting more amazing. This book is a blend of a buddy travel book, an adventure story, a mystery and a look into Regency antiquities. I love Lacey more and more in each book and I can’t wait for the next one!
THE STORY: Captain Lacey’s wife is determined that Gabriel is going to Egypt with his friend Lucius Grenville. Gabriel has been wavering because of his wife’s pregnancy. Trussed up and sent away, Gabriel and Lucius quickly turn to the adventure of exploring the exotic locale. Unfortunately, Gabriel gets mixed up in a murder and treasure hunting prompted by his crime boss contact Dennis. There is much danger and the return of Gabriel’s “twin” who has been trying to murder him and those he cares about.
OPINION: One thing I have always loved about the Captain Lacey Mysteries is the intriguing mix of mystery and romance. Well, in this book the romance element is lessened — although Lacey never forgets about his beloved wife — but there is a new adventure element to take its place. The emphasis of this book is the mystery so readers should not be fooled. Here, I was much more intrigued by the adventure story than the mystery. I became fascinated by the descriptions of Regency Egypt and the expeditions going on there. There is some progress on some ongoing stories including Lacey’s mystery stalker.
This has become one of my favorite series because it has so many good characters with twisty stories that I want to follow. I can’t wait until the next book because I knocked off 1/2 star merely because I love the interaction with Lacey and his wife and I missed that here.
WORTH MENTIONING: This book has a lot of cool information about Regency Egypt and the discovery of antiquities. It feels like an adventure book as well as a mystery.
CONNECTED BOOKS: THE ALEXANDRIA AFFAIR is the eleventh book in the Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries series. The mystery in this book is self contained but there are some overarching storylines and relationships. I think a new reader could read this book without missing much.
STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.