Review: Hold

Review: HoldHold (Hold, #1) by Claire Kent, Zannie Adams
Series: Hold #1
Published by CreateSpace on January 2, 2023
Genres: Futuristic
Pages: 180

FINAL DECISION: Okay read. Mostly sex that wasn’t very sexy at all. I wanted to know how they resolved the story because the situation was so intriguing. I didn’t really see much about a relationship, though, until a quick resolution in the epilogue so this was an okay one-time read, but clearly not my type of book.

THE STORY: Riana is convicted of a minor crime but sentenced to life on a prison planet. The prison planet is a free for all where only the most dangerous — survive. She is told that her best chance for survival is to find the toughest man and offer herself to him in exchange for protection. Riana immediately decides on Cain, who happens to have a private cell with a bathroom. Any man who could have such accommodations must be tough. So Riana seeks to make a deal with Cain to survive.

OPINION: This novella was a little darker and more brutal than I like in my stories generally. Most of the book is pure sex and mere survival with little to no personal relationship between the main characters. I thought the story felt appropriate for the location, but all the softness is at the end, and that’s not what I like in my stories. For readers who like lots and lots of sex in their stories and don’t particularly care about the softer things, this story is well constructed. It feels appropriate, and I understand the characters’ motivations. This is not a bad story, but perhaps the prison sub-genre is just not for me.

WORTH MENTIONING: This is a novella-length story.

CONNECTED BOOKS: HOLD is the first book in the Hold series.

STAR RATING: I give this book 3 stars.


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