Series: Men at Work #3
Published by Harlequin Blaze on November 22, 2016
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 224

FINAL DECISION: This book was enjoyable, but I wanted a little more of the “off-screen” conflict on the page. Overall, I enjoyed it, and while the beginning didn’t work as well for me, the story and characters were great in the last half.
THE STORY: Veronica “Flash” Redding is quitting her job working for Ian Asher’s family company. Six months ago, the two hooked up for one night, and Ian dumped her. Flash has decided to leave her job as a welder and lean into being an artist. Flash determines that leaving is the last part of her revenge for being dumped. Flash leaving actually benefits Ian, who couldn’t have a relationship with a woman who worked with him. Now that Flash is no longer an employee, Ian intends to win her.
OPINION: This book was mixed for me. The beginning, where the setup was done, was a bit tiresome, and I believed that I wasn’t going to like this book at first. But the story began to pick up about a quarter of the way in. This book had much more setup than the first two books in the series, as this couple had a history.
I really loved Flash. She was clearly drawn in this story, and I appreciated that she was standing up for herself and knew what she wanted. She has a complexity that I didn’t expect. Indeed, I especially loved her relationship with her neighbor and how Flash began to open up to Ian.
It took me longer to have any liking for Ian. He is pretty opaque in the beginning. But as the story progresses, his qualities are made clear, especially as he defends Flash and their relationship. I think that is why I had problems with this story in the beginning. He hides rather than openly defends as the story begins. He evolves, and I like him more as it is clear how much Flash means to him.
I also very much appreciated the positive representation of religion, especially the depiction of Hanukkah and Jewish and Catholic characters. This ends up being a great December holiday romance.
WORTH MENTIONING: This book is a category romance and thus is shorter, things happen much quicker, and a bunch of things happen “off-screen.”
CONNECTED BOOKS: ONE HOT DECEMBER is the third book in the Men at Work series. The series is only very loosely connected; thus, this book can be read as a standalone.
STAR RATING: I give this book 3.5 stars.