Series: Pennyroyal Green #4
Published by Avon on June 29, 2010
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

I KISSED AN EARL is the fourth book in the Pennyroyal Green series. It is the story of the wayward Violet Redmond and the newly minted Earl of Ardmay, Asher Flint. A gypsy fortune predicted that Violet would take a sea journey. Violet who is impulsive stores away on Flint’s ship as he goes in search of a pirate who might be Violet’s missing oldest brother.
These two characters are so well match: arrogant, passionate, determined, strategic. The two are engaged in gameplay and gamesmanship throughout the book. Being at odds over Violet’s brother the two cannot see a future together and yet they are kindred spirits. I loved the interplay between Violet and Flint. Both have reasonable positions and the book does not shy away from the difficulties they face.
I could not put this book down. The strong, clear unadorned language of the book allows the emotions and choices of the characters to shine. This is my favorite of the series so far.
I recommend this book — and you can read this book without having read the prior books.