Review: Misadventures with My Ex

Review: Misadventures with My ExMisadventures with My Ex (Misadventures, #18) by Shayla Black
Series: Misadventures #18
Published by Waterhouse Press on March 26, 2019
Genres: Contemporary, Erotica
Pages: 196

FINAL DECISION: A second chance at love story with lots of sexy times, a manipulative prospective mother-in-law and two people who love one another even through years of being apart.

THE STORY: Three years ago, Eryn Hope fell hard for Weston Quaid but her heart was broken when he walked out on their wedding day. Three years later, he walks back into her life with a proposition: he will take care of the bills regarding her closed restaurant if she spends six weeks with him in Las Vegas. They have an agreement with different goals: Eryn wants to sex Weston out of her system so that she can finally forget him; Weston wants Eryn back.

OPINION: What didn’t work for me? I really never accepted the events that led to the breakup of Eryn and West three years ago. But that is the setup for the story so putting that aside, I really enjoyed this book.

There was a real sense of emotion between Eryn and West which is heightened by the alternating first person points of view allowing the reader to really trust in these two characters motivations even when the events seem to point to something else. A story that might be exploitative without understanding that West really loves Eryn and wants to get her to listen to and believe him ends up working and being sexy. I enjoy a good second chance story and these two characters have to get through their mistakes. They are both young (just in the mid 20s) when this book begins so the serious mistakes of three years ago makes a little more sense.

What really worked for me? The connection between these characters and their desperation for one another even amid all the mistakes of their past.

WORTH MENTIONING: I hope we get another book about Eryn’s sister Echo and her superhot best friend.

CONNECTED BOOKS: MISADVENTURES WITH MY EX is the eighteenth book in the Misadventures series. This series, however, is by different authors and doesn’t have a common storyline or characters so they can generally be read as standalones. However, this book is connected with MISADVENTURES OF A BACKUP BRIDE which is the story of Eryn’s sister Ella. This book can be read as a standalone.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book from the author. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.



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