I received this book for free from Netgalley in order to prepare an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Gallery Books on December 4, 2018
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 400

FINAL DECISION: This was okay. Not great but not terrible. I enjoyed a once through reading, but never really connected with the heroine, and the hero was way too accommodating of her.
THE STORY: Millie Morris is one of the guys, the only woman hanging out with a group of male friends. But one night, she and her “best friend” Reid Campbell end up having sex. Millie doesn’t want to ruin her friendship so she insists that the two date. Along with their friends Millie and Reid sign up for an online dating service. But when Millie doesn’t like her profile, she decides to sign up for a new one under a different name and is surprised when she and Reid are matched. So while Millie and Reid are dancing around one another in real life, Millie’s alter ego and Reid are hitting it off online.
OPINION: This book was okay, but all the interesting parts in the blurb really felt like insignificant to the actual story. First, there is little with Millie’s interest in serial killers. She might have been interested in polar bears and it would have made no difference to the story. It’s only a tiny part of this book even though it was part of what peaked my interest in this book. Second, I didn’t find the online connection as compelling as I expected. There didn’t seem much to it and the two only communicated for a short period. I have read other stories with online dating and this one didn’t work as well.
I really loved Reid and honestly, I spent most of the book thinking that he was much too good for Millie. She didn’t feel closed up, she felt like a jerk for most of the book. Unfortunately, while that gets resolved, her dogged determination to not share even basic facts — her middle name? — with her “friends” made her seemed like she needs a whole lot of therapy rather than a relationship.
On the plus side, I really enjoyed the relationship between all the friends. That felt fun and lighthearted. I thought that the complications that arise as Millie and Reid’s relationship developed were funny and I enjoyed seeing the difficulties that arose. I also really liked the good parts of Millie and Reid’s relationship as the two moved from friends to lovers. Their interactions in real life made me smile.
Overall the book was okay, but not as good as I wanted it to be. Readers who just want a fun romcom would probably enjoy this more.
WORTH MENTIONING: I wish that the other friends hadn’t had their stories resolved, it might have been an interesting series.
STAR RATING: I give this book 3 stars.
NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in helping to prepare this review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.