Review: The Proposition

Review: The PropositionThe Proposition by Judith Ivory
Published by HarperCollins e-books on January 26, 2011
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

FINAL DECISION: This older historical romance reminds me of what I love about romance. It is a book about love and yearning with a lot of romance and sexual tension. The highlights are the unconventional hero and slow-burn romance.

THE STORY: In 1890s London, Lady Edwina Bollash, a spinster and philologist, makes an outrageous bet that she can transform Mick Tremore, a Cockney-Cornish rat-catcher, into a convincing viscount for one night at a ball.

OPINION: This book epitomizes what makes historical romance special. Ivory crafts a story that focuses deeply on the developing relationship between the leads, letting their connection build with delicious slowness.

What makes the book particularly special is Mick, our rat-catching hero. Ivory doesn’t try to polish his background – he lives in near squalor with his dog and ferret, speaks in thick Cockney-Cornish dialect, and makes his living in the least genteel way possible. Yet his quick wit and natural charm make him utterly compelling.

The romance between Mick and Winnie develops through their lessons together, creating a perfect vehicle for sexual tension and emotional connection. Their growing attraction feels natural and earned, built through small moments and verbal sparring that crackle with chemistry.

Ivory explores class, identity, and personal transformation in both characters. Mick discovers new possibilities for his life, while Winnie gradually sheds her rigid self-control. Their journey together is both romantic and deeply satisfying.

Winnie is strong and has to find her own agency and find out what she wants. The book is mostly these two together which is simply amazing. There really is something fantastic about a book that respects both leads and emphasizes that both are important to the story.

Though the ending feels somewhat fairy-tale-like and too pat, it suits the overall spirit of the story. At the same time, I took a bit off because I wished that portion had been developed more because it felt a bit tacked on.

WORTH MENTIONING: THE PROPOSITION is a reverse telling of Pygmalion, which had his most famous adaption as the musical My Fair Lady.


STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.


Review: Devil’s Bride

Review: Devil’s BrideDevil's Bride (Cynster, #1) by Stephanie Laurens
Published by HarperCollins e-books on March 17, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 416

Fantastic Romance, Loved The Hero

DEVIL’S BRIDE is the first book in the Cynster series. It is the story of Sylvester “Devil” Cynster, the Duke of Ives and Honoria Anstruther-Wetherby. The two meet by accident when Honoria stops to aid a wounded man. When the Devil Cynster himself stops as well, the two end up spending the night together with the dying man. Devil quickly identifies Honoria as his future Duchess. Honoria has no intention of submitting to Devil’s plan. There is also a mystery of who killed the man that brought Honoria and Devil together.

I absolutely love this book. Devil and the Bar Cynster are an amazing group of men (and the subject of further books in the series). Laurens has an incredible ability of creating autocratic, hard headed men who are matched by strong willed women. What I loved about Devil is that he is challenged by Honoria and yet does not want to crush her spirit. Instead, he appreciates her qualities and sees her as a match, even as he is frustrated by his ability to control her.

The relationship between Devil and Honoria is funny and hot. The two strike sparks off of one another from the start and In love how they perfectly match one another.

This is one of my all-time favorite books.


Review: Dreaming of You

Review: Dreaming of YouDreaming of You (The Gamblers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: The Gamblers #2
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

Dreaming of Derek

DREAMING OF YOU is the sequel to THEN CAME YOU. It tells the story of Derek Craven, the bigger than life owner of the premiere gaming shell in London, and the sweet but not naive, Sara Fielding. Sara is an author who is writing about the lower classes in London and after meeting Derek wants to use his hell as research. Derek is attracted to Sara but because of his hard upbringing, he turns away from anyone who is could possibly care about. In this book, Derek struggles with his feelings and the jealous rages of an ex-lover.

I love DREAMING OF YOU. Sara captures Derek by being himself. The real conflicts in this book deal with Derek’s past and his unwillingness to make himself vulnerable. Sara catches him by just being the strong but gentle soul that she is. Her ability to accept others and not be strangled by class divisions make her the perfect mate for Derek. The characters are big and the plot keeps the reader engaged. The emphasis here is one the changes that the relationship between Derek and Sara brings to them. The two characters grow and change and become a perfect match.

For fans of THEN CAME YOU there is a great update for Lily and Alex who have more than cameo roles in this book. While it isn’t necessary to have read THEN CAME YOU first, doing so adds to the depth in this book.

I love this book and highly recommend it.


Review: Scandal in Spring

Review: Scandal in SpringScandal in Spring (Wallflowers, #4) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: Wallflowers #4
Published by HarperCollins e-books on March 17, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

Sweet Conclusion to Wallflowers Series

A SCANDAL IN SPRING is the story of Daisy Bowman and Matthew Swift. Daisy is the youngest of the Wallflowers. Daisy’s father has tired of waiting for her to find a husband. He has given her an ultimatum – find a husband before the end of the season in two months or she will marry his protege Matthew Swift. Daisy is appalled, but soon changes her mind when Matthew travels to England and he is not at all as she remembers. The two begin to fall in love but a secret from Matthew’s past threatens to keep them apart.

This book is a satisfying conclusion to the Wallflowers series, but is my least favorite. The conflict between the characters is mostly external and while there is a big buildup to the revelation of the secret, the resolution is too quick and easy. That being said, the book is not a disappointment and it is a sweet ending to the series.

For fans of the series, it is a necessary read. For others, I recommend starting with one of the other books of the series.


Review: Devil in Winter

Review: Devil in WinterDevil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: Wallflowers #3
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

Fantastic Book! My Favorite of the Series

THE DEVIL IN WINTER is a classic for a reason. It is the third book of Kleypas’ Wallflowers series. This book is takes the classic rake and wallflower story and makes it simply amazing. The rake, Sebastian, Viscount St. Vincent is an incredible character. Kleypas does a great job of taking him from the unrepentant rake who was the villain in the second book of the series and making him a swoon worthy hero. The transition is slow and realistic and so incredibly moving. His slow developing love for the wallflower Evie makes this book one of my all time favorites.

At the same time, Evie is a wallflower, but not a sweet helpless idiot. She is incredibly strong and unlike similar stories it is Evie who approaches the rake. She has been subjected to much cruelty in her life and has built a strong character from those experiences. It is her strength that attracts Sebastian.

I have nothing negative to write about this book. The ability of Kleypas to write such intricate characterizations is one reason she is an amazing writer. I highly recommend this book. Honestly, one could read this book independent of the others in the series (I did the first time) and while the book is better read in context, it is not essential to read the others first.


Review: It Happened One Autumn

Review: It Happened One AutumnIt Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: Wallflowers #2
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 400

Classic Romance Between Two Strong Willed People

IT HAPPENED ONE AUTUMN is the second book in Lisa Kleypas’ Wallflower series. The series is the stories of four women who band together to find husbands. This book is the story of Lillian Bowman, the daughter of a wealthy American shoemaker, who has come to England to catch a peer for a husband. Sparks fly between Lillian and Marcus, the Earl of Westcliff. Lillian finds Marcus to be cold and domineering; Marcus finds Lillian to be an ungovernable menace. Of course, that makes them perfect for one another!

I really enjoyed this book. The romance between Lillian and Marcus sparkles. The book is funny and emotional. Keypads, of course, writes in such a manner that every page is interesting. My only complaint is that I find Lillian a difficult heroine to love. I believe it is my bias and not any weakness in the story. Bo th Lillian and Marcus are arrogant, strong willed characters. That makes it somewhat difficult for me to like her as quickly.

This book also has the strong appearance of St. Vincent,who is the villain here and the hero in the next book. I think he steals the book and the last part of the epilogue is my favorite.


Review: Secrets of a Summer Night

Review: Secrets of a Summer NightSecrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: Wallflowers #1
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

Great First Book in the Wallflowers Series

SECRETS OF A SUMMER NIGHT is the story of Annabelle Peyton and Simon Hunt. Annabelle is of the genteel class but her family has fallen on hard times since the death of her father and she desperately seeks marriage to a peer to rescue her family. Simon Hunt is of the new generation…a butcher’s son who has made a fortune but exists only on the fringes of society.

This book is interesting because it deals with the intersection between the aristocratic classes and the new industrialists that are changing the entire world including the social world. Kleypas’ writing is brilliant and witty. The characters and the situation make me smile. The only negative is that Annabelle is not the most likeable of heroines at the beginning of the book.

Annabelle and Simon remind me quite a bit of Scarlett and Rhett. There is something about Annabelle’s desperation and the monies ways of Rhett that echo in this book for me.

I love this series and this is my second favorite of the series. I’d rate it a 4.5 stars. The rounders game between the ladies is classic! I highly recommend this book and the entire series.


Review: Again the Magic

Review: Again the MagicAgain The Magic (Wallflowers, #0.5) by Lisa Kleypas
Series: Wallflowers #0.5
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 386

Story of Love Long Denied

AGAIN THE MAGIC is the love story of Lady Aline, the daughter of and Earl and McKenna, the former stable boy who worked on her family’s estate. The two meet as children and are friends. As they age, however, they fall in love. They are separated by Aline’s father. The bulk of the story takes place twelve years later when they meet again.

McKenna has made himself living in America and has come back for revenge on Aline. The book is one where Aline keeps many secrets from McKenna. For those readers who are adverse to stories that could be avoided if the characters would speak honestly with one another, this book is not for you. I don’t mind the trope, however, when the reasons behind the lies are made clear. In this book, I understood why Aline lied to McKenna. I felt the pain of the two characters.

There is also a side romance involving Aline’s younger sister Olivia. This book is a prequel to Kleypas’ Wallflowers series as it introduces the Earl of Westcliff, who is Aline’s older brother. While certainly not necessary to the Wallflowers series, it is a nice introduction to that series.

I recommend it.


Review: Stranger in My Arms

Review: Stranger in My ArmsStranger in My Arms by Lisa Kleypas
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13th 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 384

“Lady Hawksworth, your husband is not dead.”

FINAL DECISION: An enjoyable read that had a Gothic feel to it. The story was more intellectual than full of heart, but I enjoyed the experience of Lara’s uneasiness to the man who has returned to her and the two of them falling in love.

THE STORY: After two years of a miserable marriage, Lara was happy to see her husband go off to India. When she learned of his death, she was finally able to live her own life. Now a year later, she is told that her husband has returned. Lara is at first convinced that the man must be an impostor. But he knows things that only her husband could know. He is, however, not the man who left her. Hunter claims that his near death experience has changed him. The question is whether the man who returned to her is her husband or a stranger.

OPINION: This was an interesting book. A story that raises the issue of whether someone can change and whether a woman can begin to dream again.

This book is clearly an exercise in twisting back and forth over whether Hunter is actually Lara’s husband or an impostor. But it also raises the issue of whether it is possible for a person to change and become a “stranger” to his old life.

This book feels more Gothic than I expected. Who is this man? What is his purpose? Or is this actually Lara’s husband and her doubts and lack of trust are just blinding her to his identity. I liked the intellectual and mysterious elements in this story. And this is a book that I really recommend reading without spoilers.

The best part of the book for me is Lara’s indecision and how she realizes who Hunter is — not in the simple sense of a name but rather as a man. By using the uncertainty she has over whether or not he is her husband, a discovery anew is permitted. Lara finds out who her husband was and is.

Because Hunter remains mysterious for most of the book, the story feels more intellectual that emotional and maybe I’d not like all of my books in this model. But here it works for me.

WORTH MENTIONING: Do not read ahead in this book. Enjoy the way the story develops.


STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.


Review: The Perils of Pleasure

Review: The Perils of PleasureThe Perils of Pleasure (Pennyroyal Green, #1) by Julie Anne Long
Series: Pennyroyal Green #1
Published by HarperCollins e-books on October 13, 2009
Genres: Historical
Pages: 383

Funny and Emotional Journey of Self-Discovery

THE PERILS OF PLEASURE is the first book in the Pennyroyal Green series. It is the story of Colin Eversea, a reckless man, who is convicted of murder and sentenced to hang only to be rescued at the last moment. Colin meets Madeleine Greenway whose brazen and bold plot saves Colin. The two end up on an adventure to prove Colin’s innocence and stop the wedding of the woman Colin has loved most of his life and Colin’s brother.

This is the first book I have read of Julie Anne Long’s and I really enjoyed it. The book balances humor, adventure but also poignant moments. The scene where Colin and Madeleine make love is one of the most beautiful that I have read. The language of the book is fresh and interesting and while the plot of going on the run to prove one’s innocence has been done numerous times, the amazing array of characters and the twists in the story kept me reading.

I recommend this book and look forward to the others in the series.
